Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lonley Among Us (Season 1-Episode 7) Star Trek TNG

Check out the trailer for this episode in case you haven't seen it in a while!

This episode ALMOST measured a "SHMEH" on the Moj-O-Meter! But the last twenty minutes redeemed themselves gainfully! Admittedly I have to say that I was worried when I saw Welsey wearing the SAME ORGANGE SWEATER as the last episode (did they not give him enough cloths? can he not REPLICATE THEM?!)
By the looks of Wil Wheaton's face in this photo, at least later on in life he finally understood that he got the short end of the stick in the wardrobe department!

ANYHOW, I this episode had two running story-lines one that involved an energy being getting caught in the ships energy fields & taking over the bodies of the crew, the other of intolerance and ignorance. Personally, with the exception of when Picard was taken over by the energy being, I was very un-entertained. I was much more interested in the potential for the the story between the two feuding alien races! There was way more hope of getting more out of that story line! But I suppose in the end the moral of that story was that the Federation (which means all civilized races in the future...I mean really) will not stand for accepting races that feud with each other based on prejudices! - so...we got something useful...despite that message being hidden...WAY in the background!

So on the LOVE IT ---- RE-WATCH IT ---- SHMEH....CammanderMoj-O-Meter scale...

Awe hell...I think I'm going to fall back on that I've seen this episode at least three times I think I've gotten everything out of it! I need to make up for this disappointment some how... another episode?...dont mind if I do!

Wikipedia summary of the episode!
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

WhereNoOneHasGoneBefore (Season 1-Episode 5) Star Trek TNG

Oh my sweet baby took a little break from this blog and watching the episodes and I just started cracking up when I watched the trailer for this episode. My question is who hired these trailer editors & the voice over guy...?....sigh!!! But here it is if you'd like to giggle too!!!

I think that this is the first episode that Deana's mentioned that she can't read the emotions of a being at all! She is suspicious of this guy that comes onto the ship because of his arrogance but most of all of his assistant because she has no idea what he's feeling he's "empty" as she describes!

On the bright side though...this episode is no stranger to showcasing Wesley in some SUPER UGLY SWEATER again!!!

So despite the fact that I am quite interested in the story of the "Traveler" and how that effects Wesley's character for the rest of the series. I really think this episode is unfortunately one of the most forced. We already saw the crew become "drunk" in Naked Now so I'm just not that excited to see the crew have all these hallucinations.

I'm also begining to notice some inconsistencies with the quality of film capture in this episode this episode is SUPER dark. In some scenes it's almost as if you can't make out the details of Geordie's face (tisk tisk camera man...he might be black but he's not THAT black!).

Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this episode except for the fact that this episode is meaningful in the progression of the extended story line for a few characters.

On the LOVE IT ---- RE-WATCH IT ---- SHMEH....scale...

this was a "SHMEH!"

Wikipedia summary of the episode!
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Friday, April 3, 2009

11001001 (Season 1 - Episode 15) Star Trek TNG and NASA/CHICAGO FUN!

See trailer below

So basically...blah blah blah...little aliens try to steal the Enterprise...
blah blah blah...Riker is distracted and duped by said little aliens, when they program the holodek to create an invented woman that is SO adaptable and "real" that Riker actually falls in love with her! (OH RIKER!).

blah blah blah, they retrieve the Enterprise, and all is well! YAY!!!!!!

NOW IN MORE EXCITING NEWS!!! Today NASA posted this story that made me happy! As a Chicagoan and as a NASA/Space Geek!!!! (and as a former basketball enthusiast)

[If you look closely, you'll see that Chicago won that game 18 to 12, yeah baby!]

Playing Forward

Edwin P. Hubble--famed astronomer--and basketball star? In fact, Dr. Hubble was both. The University of Chicago alumnus was a member the UC Maroons team that in 1909 won the college championship over Indiana University. It's only fitting that the man, the astronomer, the basketball star be honored for all of his accomplishments as the college championships are being played again in Indianapolis in 2010.

In this image from May 2009 during the Hubble servicing mission, NASA astronaut and fellow University of Chicago alumnus John Grunsfeld paid homage to Dr. Hubble, after whom the telescope was named, by photographing the team’s vintage basketball aboard space shuttle Atlantis. The Hubble Space Telescope is visible through the portholes.

click here to read this article in it's original context.


CAN I GET A "WHAT-WHAT" FOR CHICAGO NATIVE?! YEAH BABY! Now who's going to start a "Sending Mojie-Moj To Space Camp Fund" aready! Seriously!!! I promise it's for a good cause! The "Getting more Chicagoans to NASA" cause, and also the "MOJ REAAAAAAALLY WANTS TO GO TO NASA" cause!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Angel One (Season 1 - Episode 14) Star Trek TNG

So it is absolutely clear that the universe Start Trek TNG takes place within is not perfect. However amongst the humans several social ills have already been cured. This is precisely what makes some of these episodes when the Enterprise comes into contact with races that very specific social dynamics interesting, because that direct contrast makes those conflicts or cultural practices obviously problematic. All that being said, enjoy the trailer for a moment so that you can refresh your memory, about what "Angel One" was about!

Now, I'm not gonna lie, I love a good story about Women prevailing...because I'm biased! My ovaries are warriors, as they should be ;-) But inherently I was raised to believe that men and women are equal and realistically this makes far more sense than either men or women having a higher place in society, regardless of being raised a Baha'i!

In other stories that utilize the manifestation of a male power I often notice that the female characters are either forced to be "beautiful," "meek," "servants," or whatever and those female characters are either non-the-wiser, resentful, or just complacent. However in this episode where all of the men are the second class citizens, the men seem beyond complacent - they seem joyful! Especially excited to be used as sex-objects. --->surprised? interesting observation if nothing less.

Meanwhile, I love how that does not go un-noted by Deanna & Tasha, in fact I am mighty entertained by the hard time that these ladies give Riker when he puts on that sexy number to impress/appease the local "Elected One" (aka: woman in power).

I also think that this is the first episode that Geordi gets to hold a real position of power, as "Acting Captain" while the captain is ill, and the Riker is on Angel One. This episode is a double whammy for the two most oppressed minorities in Western culture. Yay!

I also love that even within the secondary story, ultimately it is a leading Woman who saves the day! If it weren't for our favorite Dr Beverly Crusher - the crew of the Enterprise would be SCREWED! She found the cure for the mysterious virus that was floating around the ship!

Finest quote of the episode!
"It, kinda...just...happened!" Wesley Crusher
Context: it's more fun to make you wonder!

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Now all that being said....WOMEN RULE AND BOYS DRULE!!! Just kidding! Equal! We're all equal :)