Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Haven (Season 1 - Episode 11) Star Trek TNG

Commander's logs supplemental - Earth Date May 19...Year 2009.

As always I like to include the super campy trailers from STNG for you so that you can refresh your memory about the episode I'm blogging about!

I like this episode well enough. It's the first time we meet Deanna's crazy and outrageous mother Lwaxana Troi, and this episode challenges the practice arranged marriage.

I do like that there's a split between the crew's view of this marriage union. Some of the crew think it's barbaric and strange - others accept it because they want to be understanding and tolerant of other cultures and races. Strange dichotomy, because to me both seem correct or acceptable. On the one hand, who are we to say what's acceptable for another culture - on the other hand it does seem like a practice that doesn't allow people to come together naturally. All that being said...living in America (home of 'free love' and 'love-based-unions') we have the highest divorce rate in the world! - Food for thought?

Furthermore I think it's interesting that it's a Human/Betazoid arranged marriage. Because that makes me wonder if in the Star Trek universe there are still groups of Humans that do practice this. Maybe the human's agreed because they were joyful about the union with the Betazoid family! Who knows.

Wikipedia summary of the episode!
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Hide & Q (Season 1 - Episode 10) Star Trek TNG

Commander's logs - supplemental...Earth Date...May 19...Year 2009.

Feel free to watch the trailer for this episode if you need a little jolt my friends!!!! The trailers are hilarious...very campy - honestly they kind of make Star Trek seem far more ridiculous than it actually was!!! Mostly because of the voice over guy! Enjoy!!!

I have a love-hate relationship with this episode, and I'll tell you why! I heart Q, lets not even challenge that fact! But I feel as if this particular episode...was maybe near the 'camp-level' that the trailer makes it out to be. The aliens that Q creates that are in 17th century war cloths, etc. A little ridiculous.

I think this hilarous you tube review of the episode is quite honest and fun!!! Now I don't fully agree with everything this guy says - however the first season has it's ups and downs...

Wikipedia summary of the episode!
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Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Battle (Season 1 - Episode 9) Star Trek TNG

Commander's Logs - Earth Date...May 19th...year 2009.

Feel free to watch the trailer for this episode if you want a little refresher!

In this episode we also find out that the USS Stargazer was the first ship that Picard was ever captain. It comes up many times later in the series and it's nice to know the reference!

It's also the second time we see the Ferengi in this series. And this time their not such bumbling idiots. When we saw them in "The Last Outpost" they were monkey-like - frolicking around crouched/hunched and constantly breathing heavily. This time they seemed "normal" or at least as normal as Ferengi can be!

I'll be honest. I don't particularly like the Ferengi - but I think that's the point! I think Gene Roddenberry meant for some of these alien races to be difficult to like. It's always the races that have intolerance for for other species, are bigoted, aren't willing to grow, or races that undermine the equality of men and women! Ferengi for instance...don't cloth "their" women! Women have no power in the Ferengi world. Ferengi are also very very greedy! So between those two traits it's hard to like them much.

[funny - random note: "Farangi" or "Firang" are terms for foreigners (sometimes derogatory) in Farsi/Persian Language...this humors me because I am half Persian myself - but I was not raised in Iran which means that if ever I went there I may very well be telling people that I am Farangi, "Man Farangi Hastam" - Luckily for me, in Irani woman MUST wear cloths - beyond comfort infact!! Nevertheless, I still feel a little dirty being associated with the Ferengi in any way!]

All that being said, this episode is actually quite interesting because even though I still don't particularly like the Ferengi, Gene finds a way to bring out some of the 'humanity' in these creatures. Because Daimon Bok (the captain of the Ferengi vessel they encounter) is heartbroken about the loss of his son in a battle that Picard lead against a Ferengi ship when he was captain of the Stargazer. This may be one of only a few times that we actually see some 'humanity' from the Ferengi until DS9.

Wikipedia summary of the episode!
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Friday, May 1, 2009

Justice (Season 1 - Episode 8) Star Trek TNG

Okay due to popular demand from this blog on I will always include a trailer of the episdoe for those who aren't actually watching in order - but still want to participate. That way y'all can just get a little refresher so that you can comment on my review/commentary! So here it is...trailer love!!!

Okay, so I watched this episode while I was proposal writing last night...but it's a first season episode...I'm sure I kept up just fine. Here I'll summarize the episode: ship in orbit 'round planet, investigative team beams back to ship to tell cap'n 'all is well', away team beams down (it seems Tasha's clearly looking forward to getting some!), they send Wesley to play with other (hairy) children, Wes breaks a law (oh wes!), the 'sensual people' want to kill him - but Picard decides to break prime directive to save him - all the while there's some energy being playing god over the planet! YAY...told you I could multi-task! - that was ALL without looking at the wiki page!

Before I get into it, I just want to say, my favorite quote of the whole episode is when the girl Wesley's playing with asks him to teach her a game she knows HE can teach her and he responds, "There are some games that I don't know how to play yet..." (someday, Wesley...someday!)

While this episode is a little bit...how shall I say..."on the nose" (straight forward) about it...I think the underlying message that laws cannot be absolute is absolutely correct. And I find it interesting that this is tied into an episode where they challenge this energy entity's status as "God". Because that makes me think about religion (clearly) - as much as people start wars and shed blood over the "laws of faith" I feel as if it's too obvious that most rules are meant to be applied as they fit situations. And I don't meant to say that rules should be changed for situations - however sometimes there is gray area...nothing is black and white!

I mean think about it this way If a woman is being raped...should she not fight back? And if the only way to save herself is harm or even kill the person trying to rape her - should she be condemned to hell or shunned from god in the after life!? I think not!

Wikipedia summary of the episode!
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